$handel = fopen("stuff/count.txt","r"); $c = fgets($handel); $c = trim($c); fclose($handel); $board = $c - 10; if ($board < 1){ $board = 0; } $a = 0; while ($c != $board){ $z = ""; $mp = ""; $addin = 0; $p = file("stuff/$c.txt"); foreach ($p as $theline){ $theline= trim($theline); if ($addin == 0){ $name = $theline; } elseif ($addin == 1){ $memo = $theline; } elseif ($addin == 2){ $date = $theline; } elseif ($addin == 3){ $avitar = $theline; } else { $mp = $mp . $theline; } $addin = $addin + 1; } $z = <<
Update By: $name
Posted: $date
Memo: $memo
HERE; $array[$a] = $z; $c = $c - 1; $a = $a + 1; } ?>
The Schedule
Will not be ready anytime soon. We will notify you when the time comes.
Yes, we will. We will hunt you down and stick a sign on your forehead
foreach ($array as $post){ print "$post"; } ?>