over time, this will be updated. Don't get your hopes up though :P

Dragoon Rage's PC's
Dragoon Rage's Primary NPC's
Support Cast

In the realm of Dragoon Rage, there are billions of creatures and people that walk within it. While most appear in the comics as cameos, there are some that stand out and pop in from time to time. These are the Support Characters.

Image not developed Name: Johnson Anonymous
Age: varies
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Gender: male and female
Race: Any
magic: none
D&D Alignment: Lawful Good
Home in Dragoon Rage: Any Guard Facility
Favourite Weapon: None
Johnson Anonymous, a Global Guardian Organization, was first established during the darker ages of Dragoon Rage. Dedicated to keeping peace and bringing justice, they helped the citizens to come out to a brighter age, one that was prosperous and happy. However, there are still some groups of evil doers out there, thus the JA continue to operate.

The members of this organization willingly give up their individualism and take on the name Johnson. Each member is also donned with the well-known green can-shaped hat (the same kind of hat the founder of this organization wore) and matching uniform. This is all done to make the entire organization act as a single entity, which makes it very efficient. This also creates the illusion of its members having the ability to be at more than one place at the same time, no matter what events take place; making them well feared in the hearts of evil.

With the loss of their individualism, it is impossible to have a ranking system. Therefore they run by a strict set of directives, drills and exercises. They are also made to give up their personal interests, disinterests, views and their history. This helps them express an indifference towards anyone with regards to the law; even if it is a king or a family member that they are arresting.

Indeed, the Johnson Anonymous is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Only the most dedicated and committed people manage to get into the organization, for admittance does come with quite a cost.

Name: Root Beer Thieves
Age: varies
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Gender: male and female
Race: any
magic: none
D&D Alignment: anything between Neutral and Evil
Home in Dragoon Rage: unknown, however any dark ally is a good place to look
Favourite Weapon: varies by preference
For every object most treasured, there will always be a person out there to steal it. This is perhaps the main reason why the Root Beer Thieves exist, as Root Beer is one of the most prized beverages all across the Realm of Dragoon Rage.

The RB Thieves are the cockroaches in Dragoon Rage: they just keep coming back, no matter what. Their main goal in life is to steal Root Beer, and will attempt to get it by any means; whether by raiding warehouses, holding up bars and taverns, or plain mugging (Woo, a pun!). Spread all across the planet, they are a global threat to all.

The Guild was first created by a group of passionate Root Beer lovers. At first, it all seemed like a harmless group of friends, some of them being sought out for their critique, commentary and advice for home brewers. However, when the supplies of their favorite drink suddenly dried up at their local taverns, hell gradually broke loose. People began reporting of barricades that were redirecting their supplies to some other place. This led to the Great Raid, an event that is still taught in the history classes today. Well after that event, some people found that Root Beer tasted the best stolen, which eventually led to the reformation of the guild. This reformation was not well received, and started the Guild Massacre, which lasted a decade; until a young woman showed up and made her position as leader well understood. Ever since then the guild has grown into what it is today.

Basic rogue skills are needed to join this guild. All members are made to wear black uniforms and have the RBT's insignia burned into their forehead. This insignia does not show visibly unless a special charm is cast, which then makes it glow for a moment. The guild uses a military tree style of command, its lowest ranks constantly needing new recruits to recover the ones they lose in Alex's murderous rampages. The one's that survive the longest may get promoted to a higher status, usually one that sends them off to a far away command post so that no one has to put up with their whining.

As a final note, due to their easy recruit system, most of the members in the grunt/newbie ranks are generally not very competent and seen as expendable, thus the guild's motto in those ranks is "Learn fast or die trying".

image not available Name: Junishi Guard
Age: varies
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Gender: male and female
Race: Any
Sign: Varies
magic: varies
D&D Alignment: Lawful Good
Home in Dragoon Rage: Any Guard Facility on the Isle of the Junishi
Favourite Weapon: varies
The Junishi Guard is the law enforcement on the Isle of Junishi, where the Johnson Anonymous has no jurisdiction (meaning they have no power there). The two forms of law enforcement have several notable differences, the most obvious is that in the words of the locals, "They still have their souls." Each member uses the powers affiliated with their sign and the martial art they study (ninjitsu, kendo, kyudo, or karate). On top of law enforcement, when the Empress travels abroad, she picks one member of the guard for each martial art to accompany her as protection, which is seen as a great honour. The guard wear purple uniforms (with the exception of those who sudy ninjitsu, who wear black) in the style typical to their martial art (mostly hakamas) with a crest (or mon) bearing a crossed sword and bow on a sunrise (do not make the mistake of saying it's a sunset).
